Samstag, 25. Dezember 2010
Montag, 20. Dezember 2010
Exhibition 122010
Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2010
This week was as heavy as the last. But now we're done with this first part.
It is snowing so hard these days, I can't remember it ever did in my life.
Something nice was that I had another response for one of my paintings and
found a small cataloque in the mail, which contains a poster I made for a
design challenge!
Sonntag, 12. Dezember 2010
KW 49.
I wondered where my brother is.
I was scared. And angry.
I cuddled with the dog.
I celebrated two birthdays.
Found some time to draw & knit.
I prepared for our exhibition.
Went out for some christmas shopping.
The shady time in the morning is the best of the day.
And I had one of the best times yesterday night, when I sold my first painting
and got such a lot of compliments!!!
Freitag, 3. Dezember 2010
Friday. Finally.
this week was very busy and straining. The last days my parents stayed at our flat and we stayed in our old room.
Today my mom's treatment started. Now she and we have two days off, where we can relax and get the time on
ourselve we couldn't have spent during the week. So our weekend will be very chilled, I hope, and not so full of
sorrows than the last ones.
It is cold outside and full of snow, so we will get some warm drinks on the christmas market and the rest of the time,
I will prepare for a local exhibition I join next weekend.
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