Mittwoch, 9. März 2011


Today I repotted some of my cactusen. So hopefully they will grow a bit when summer arrives!

5 Kommentare:

  1. Was für eine wunderbare Kaktussammlung! Ich habe heute auch ein paar Pflanzen umgetopft und ich versuche mein Usambaraveilchen zu vermehren, was laut Internet super einfach sein soll. Mal schauen, ob es klappt ;)
    Alles Liebe!

  2. I love cactus ! When I move in Berlin I have to buy me some :) Yours look really good by the way.

  3. Love your cactuses. A few years ago I didn't understand why people like these plants, but now I think they are adorable.

  4. I love cactus too. I have been looking for some but hasn't have a luch yet.


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