Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2011

7 things.

3 posts this week! I am rising again!

Got a cold.

Slept a lot.

Enjoyed some evening walks with the dog visiting some animal friends.

Collected some seeds for next year.

Wanted to visit this event, but it was sold out. Bah. But I am curious what others will tell.

Coffee & sun.

5 Kommentare:

  1. so you had successfully had balloon on yours?
    glad to see it grew well in germany.
    i see nastatium and another one, is that courgette?
    am looking for courgrette seed..

  2. Lovely seven...hope you get better soon dear one!

  3. I'm glad you're rising, I still love your posts very much. Pretty seeds you've collected! And too bad you couldn't get any tickets, it looks like an interesting event.

    Take good care of yourself!

  4. Sounds like some lovely moments to counteract the disappointing ones. the event looks great! (Not to rub it in!)

  5. Ich konnte leider keine cardiospermum samen ernten. In der Wohnung hat die Pflanze keine Ballons gebildet trotz Bestäubung mit Pinsel. Wünsch dir baldige Besserung! Scheinbar erwischt es momentan fast alle :(
    Liebe Grüße!


If you like to leave a lovely note, please do so! I am looking forward of what you're thinking!